"Craft the perfect Instagram post". - @BloomLisaWhen it comes to crafting content for Instagram, it can be really discouraging for even the most seasoned and savvy entrepreneur. To write that connective content that leads to actual paying customers can feel almost impossible; you are an expert in your field, not in writing content that converts.

Millennials are driving on-line buying power and Instagram is their jam. If you want to grow your business using Instagram, I wrote this post for you.

More than ever, consumers DO NOT want to be sold too. By following a few simple tips, you can create a more engaged community that connects AND makes you the money you dreamed of when you started driving down this entrepreneurial lane.

Seven Essentials to the Perfect Instagram Post

Tip #1 Front-load Your Caption

Think of the first two lines of your caption as a headline. The only function of a headline is to create more interest, also known as another click.

Speak directly to the struggles and stresses of your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar) in this first sentence.

Tip #2 Always Use a High Quality, Visually Appealing Image

If you want to post great moments that aren’t the best quality image, use Stories for those spontaneous moments. Curate your feed staying true to your colour palette + brand colours. Life doesn’t look like a perfectly curated Instagram feed, but your IG feed needs to. People judge you within 2 seconds of arriving, harsh I know!!!!

EXTRA TIP: Take that gorgeous image from your IG post, slap a black or white square over it with a 50% opacity, add an inspirational on-brand quote and use it on Facebook. Re-purposing content is your BFF 💪.

Tip #3 EEI

Use your caption to:


If your brand is all about educating people, then your captions are a place to shine. Write in the mini-blog style that provides heaps and heaps of value while building trust and establishing your authority. When it’s time to buy you will be their go-to resource.

Tip #4 Include 🌱🌈🍀🔥 Emojis

People generally do love emojis 😙❤️️🌷. Whether you love ’em or hate ’em, they draw focus to your key points. Use them in-line with your comfort level and don’t over do it!

Do your research; who is your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar) and are they down with loads of emojis?

Tip #5 Use Your CTA (Call to Action) Strategically

Every piece of marketing on all platforms MUST include a CTA. I really don’t recommend taking your pants off on the first date here …. if this is their first touchpoint with your brand, don’t try to sell them a premium offering requiring a high-ticket investment, you simply don’t have the trust yet.

Your call to action can send your engaged visitors to:

1. Your landing page to download your freebie.
2. Blog post or recipe you wrote, as they are on your website and can also opt-in for your freebie while getting another touch point with your brand.
3. Another platform you post content to that establishes your credibility and creates KLT (know, like, trust).

Do you know how many touch points it takes for someone to become your client or customer?

Tip #6 Facts Tell, Stories Sell

Craft a narrative that engages visitors using a conversational tone. This casual tone removes all the sales talk and really allows you to connect with your ICA.

Remember, you are the only person doing your work in EXACTLY the way you are doing it. There are people out there who will connect with your brand more than with anyone else so get out there and boldly share your gifts with the world.

Look at me, there are a ga-zillion coaches out there and so many of them are magnificent. There is only one me, with my special blend of holistic grow-your-empire-know-how!

Tip #7 To Hashtag or Not To #

Depends who you ask, but I say 100% yes when you are in growth mode. Hashtags are searchable so why deny yourself the exposure?

EXTRA TIP: Give yourself instant recognition for visitors with some key phrases and #hashtags.

Here are five ways to create that feeling of comfort, online connection and recognition:

1. Create a brand specific hashtag, I use #bloomlisa.
2. Use a couple that are on-brand and create recognition and build trust, I use #strongertogether #womensupportingwomen
3. Use a couple that have around 100,000 posts to throw a wide net, who knows what you’ll catch!
4. Include hashtags that are super niche, for example if you are dealing with clients that live within a certain geographic location, you want to be Uber-specific and reach people there by attaching a city to your profession like #vancouverrealestate #newyorkstylist #sanfranciscolifecoach.

For more posts on empire building:

WARNING: Five Must Ask Questions Before Building Your Brand
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Before crafting any content, I strongly urge you to get crystal clear on a few things including:

1. Know your unique positioning and strengths. What makes you YOU and what are you incredible at?? You need to break this down and do your research with field questions.

2. Who is your ICA in the depth of her soul? This is a questioning process that runs deep and personal.

3. Make a strategic profit plan that lays a solid foundation to build your empire on …and we ALL have an empire.

If reading that has your butterflies thundering inside, I can help.

Women in service based businesses hire me to unleash their confidence and create that elusive profit plan at last. I help solopreneurs to cut through the chaos to get more done in less time, make more money and have WAY more fun building the empire of their dreams.

If that sounds like you, click here to book a chat.

Onwards & upwards, Lisa 💋🌷