to do list


Love them or hate them, to do lists are an effective tool to move your dreams forward. This blog will teach you some life-changing methods on how to take your best intentions and effectively destress your to do list. Women, especially moms, can write to do lists that wrap around the block. This is neither productive or healthy. Instead, I’m interested in the intention that is driving your list, what’s actually on it and how you’re prioritizing that list.

Here are five tips for rocking your to do list

Tip #5  Do a brain dump

If you follow me on Instagram or use my Three Month Digital Goal Tracker, you already know that a taking a big ol’ dump is your BFF. Click here to read more about how to prioritize your to do list.

Tip #4 Digital or Paper

Some people love to put pen to paper, while others prefer digital. The right method is the one that you actually use.

Tip #3  Take an organic approach to “Less is more”

We all have the same hours in the day, so jamming your list with tasks that ultimately set you up for even more stress stops today. Assess your commitments and how much time you actually have tomorrow for CEO time, self care, parenting, networking, etc and make your list accordingly. If you have 60 minutes for business development, only add on tasks that you can actually complete in that time frame. Set yourself up for success rather than overwhelm and then ….

Tip #2 Rank your to do’s

When it comes to productivity, choose systems that work for you. Rank your tasks by urgency, importance, dollar value or big picture vs day-to-day. Batching like tasks is a proven winner.

For business owners I recommend using a dollar sign system. Put 1-3 dollar signs beside each task representing a high value or an income generating task. It becomes crystal clear what can be delegated, what are priorities and what can be allocated for late afternoon once decision fatigue has set in.

Tip #1 Celebrate your wins

I’m an expert in the entrepreneurial mindset. We may stand on the metaphorical mountaintop of accomplishment, yet we rarely take in the view. Instead, we dive right back into the next task and fix our gaze on the next summit, with little to no appreciation for all we have done while fostering even more overwhelm.

Recognize yourself with a moment, a smile and a deep breath for what you achieve each day. When you reach those pinnacle moments, indulge in a well earned reward. Personally, I set goals for myself and then book treats like a facial or buy myself a new dress when I achieve it, celebrating a job well done and filling up my tank with good vibes too.


Keep your tasks as tiny as possible. Doing less, comes with far less resistance and ultimately leads to leveling up to high performance achievements in your life.

Read my blog on productivity hacks here.

Check out my 3 part feature on Michele Mateus Photography’s blog on how to “Spring Clean Your Business.”

Grab my free My Life on Purpose Goal Tracker here, to support your empire building as you make more money and have way more fun.

Your Coach,


Photo By: Michele Mateus Photography