The Key To Finding YOUR Best Clients


Many entrepreneurs and business owners spend their time and energy, trying to find the best way to retain clients. However, a large part of your company’s success comes down to being laser-focused when it comes to finding YOUR best clients.

Often my clients are so busy trying to increase revenue and manage the juggling act of entrepreneurship that they forget that THEY are the boss, and the boss has the privilege of making a meaningful contribution with their brand. There is nothing as rewarding as understanding that you can run your business your way; that you can pivot, change, dance and fold the cards anytime you want! A hefty dose of clarity is required to define your best clients.

Like all sage wisdom, the truth is simple, clean and cuts you to your core.

The method of finding our best clients is genuine, authentic messaging that identifies their fears and frustrations and providing a solution for their dreams and desires.

Here are four tips for finding your best clients:


Tip #4 – Make It Easy For People To Buy From You

Build the KLT factor. KLT stands for know, like, trust.

You want to show up as authentically you. For example, I like to keep my quirks front and centre. On my website, I openly admit to being an ‘accidental entrepreneur.’ Continuing to divulge that for as long as I can remember, strangers have been apologizing to me for sharing the intimate details of their lives shortly after we meet. One day I had an “a-ha” moment, realizing that this was part of my calling.

The trust that my client’s place in me is a huge honour, one that I don’t take lightly. My role in supporting people’s empire building is a privilege, which is why I am very selective about who I work with.

Read my ‘About Me‘ page to find out more on how I do it.


Tip #3 – Know Your ICA

I cannot stress this enough! You have to know the in’s and out’s of your best clients daily lives, dreams, habits, preferences and beyond. Yes to all the usual demographics and psychographics, but I want you to really get eye to eye in your content creation and strategy here.


Tip #2 – Lead With Your Core Values

Your potential clients are savvy, and they want to know what your brand stands for and if it aligns with their value system. Vegans care about cruelty-free, while wellness practitioners care about life long learners. Some common values include:

  • Integrity
  • Fun
  • Transparency
  • Sustainably sourced
  • Family first
  • Trustworthy
  • Quality
  • Innovation
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Value
  • Punctual
  • Reliable

What are the non-negotiable pillars of your brand?


Tip #1 – Be Authentically YOU To Attract Your Best Clients

Have you taken the time to drill down into what your strengths and unique feeling features are for your brand? For some, YOU & your brand are woven together like an intricate tapestry. If this is the case, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and show up as YOU.

I get it. When I first launched Bloom Business Development, I was consumed with being taken seriously as a professional businesswoman, coach and leader. Over the years, I’ve peeled back the layers of how I “should” be perceived and have landed on something that looks completely different.

My spirituality and tarot reading are no longer a secret, and I’m proud to be a multi-faceted entrepreneur who also has a Direct Sales business on the side after starting to lose my hair four years ago AND wanting naturally based, vegan and cruelty products for my family. Learn more about that here.

Watch my 2-minute business tips videos HERE.


Read More Blogs Here!


How to Grow Your Brand Online Now – If you don’t know about your ideal client before creating your marketing strategy, you’re making a very expensive mistake!

The Secret to Killer Cashflow Riding the revenue roller coaster is no fun. Navigating a healthy flow of revenue and cash flow in your business can be frustrating and elusive even for experienced entrepreneurs and managers. I have some advice for you that is simple and easy to follow that can make all the difference and bridge the gap: once and for all.


Keep going; keep growing. 🌱

Your Coach,
