A business blog by Lisa van Reeuwyk, How to break down your story


The story of your brand is the gateway to connection

People are biologically hardwired to make decisions from their emotions. In order to attract clients who are the perfect fit, connecting in a way that’s authentic arouses feelings that lead to emotion that are then expressed as choices. Once you realize that the heart of your story is what sparks a purchase, it’s time to unearth the heart of why your brand exists.

Questions to get to the marrow of your story

No more leading with this passionate corporate speak, it’s time to connect, human to human. I love the saying, specific is terrific and when you ask yourself, “What is the story behind my business?”, you can narrow down your focus into the beating heart of it.

From the book The Buddha and The Badass, Vishen Lakhiani, a company owner who makes glass for window panes struggles with this.

After drilling down into his why and what got him excited about his work, they came up with this.

Giving Back to Our Community: This Company is run by caring, community oriented people who believe in giving back. Not only do we build and install the clearest, toughest, most storm resistant windows in our state, but we care that our people always feel safe, warm and protected in more ways than one humble window provides. Therefore, our entire team spends one week every year outside our factory and volunteering and soup kitchens and other places where we get to serve our community from our hearts.

This is a step away from logic, skills and tasks and moving towards beliefs values and why.

Motion versus action

Reading this blog right now and how you’re thinking about your story are what I consider motion. They’re really important and a part of the solid foundation for you to build on. Action is what separates great intentions from results and turns motion into results. I invite you to take tiny action for massive result. Take pen to paper or finger to keyboard, answering the following prompts. Remember, specific is terrific ????​.

Write 1-3 sentences to describe the genesis story of HOW your business began.

Craft 1-2 sentences on the WHY behind your passion and drive to operate your business.

Draft a sentence about yourself that uses your unique qualities or quirks as a brand. For some of you you are the brand.

Write a sentence that conveys your brand strengths.

In a sentence, write down the real story on HOW you help people.

WHERE do you see yourself and your brand in three years? Now it’s time to write freely and let it flow.This vision must come from the founder. Take out your “magic wand”, removing any obstacles from your vision, rate of growth and expansion. Forget about geography, access to funds, all those people who’ve told you no or that you can’t, staffing challenges or time restraints for a few minutes. Now is the time to tap back into the depth of your desires and that voice inside of you that knows what your truly want.

Intentionality brings ease and momentum

Intentionality simplifies your decision making process for running & growing your business while simultaneously speeding up your rate of achieving your dreams & desires. Bringing it to your organizations story fosters connection, community building and authenticity.

Need some support in your action plan? Book an online coaching session to support your efforts to lead from within or schedule a Discovery Conversation to put your hand up for meaningful growth in one of my private 121 coaching programs,

Create Your Dream Business
Make More Money, Have More Fun
Sales Training for Creatives, Coaches who offer free consults and want to banish scope creep

With deep gratitude and appreciation to the many clients, mentors and the organizations who have trusted me as they align, rise and shine, thank you does not convey how much your investment in Bloom Business Development  has impacted my life.

Onwards and upwards we go,

Lisa van Reeuwyk