Our lives are ruled by this
According to the book, you are the placebo, by Dr. Joe Dispenza, we have roughly 70,000 thoughts each day. Does that surprise you? What I find most fascinating is this next piece of data; from day-to-day, 90% percentage of our thoughts stays the same. I call this your 90% vortex of daily thoughts.
For some this number makes perfect sense and for others it’s hard to believe, but essentially, this research proves that we are biologically and neurologically wired to be living in autopilot. Your ability to spark change in your life explains the data around New Year’s resolution success rates.
How is this possible?
Let’s walk-through an average day in life. You wake up on your side of the bed, get up and take part in your morning routine. You grab your favourite mug out of the cupboard to have your favourite hot drink before you settle into your morning routine. You head off to work, perhaps you’re lucky enough to still go places during the day, navigating your usual and familiar route.
You see the same people in the same places who push the same emotional triggers before heading back home to make one of your favourite recipes before sitting down at your spot at the dinner table and ask that lacklustre question, “How was your day?” (You get better answers when you ask people to tell you a story about their day).
Now you head into the kitchen to clean up and put everything back where it belongs before relaxing in your spot to watch your favourite show before going to bed so that you can … drum roll please … do it all again tomorrow.
Spark change in your life with these four tips
Get quiet
Take a few deep breaths and put your hands on your legs or on your chest and stomach.
Get Curious
Ask yourself, what do I truly want? What am I longing to do?
Get vulnerable
Don’t let your 90% vortex of daily limiting thoughts stop you from being honest with yourself about changing that daily experience.
Get courageous
If it felt comfortable, it wouldn’t be anything new. Pull in new thoughts and behaviours into your way of being takes motivation, dedication and some tools and accountability to see lasting results Not only are you used to your 90% vortex, everyone in your life is too. When you effectively spark change, there can be a lot of pushback, even when the changes are extremely positive.
Get ready to keep pushing forward in your aligned action to spark change.
In order to be a success, change requires you to break the idea down into a small tiny first step. If you want to start running, leave your running shoes put beside the front door before you go to bed. If you struggle leaving work at work, spend 5 minutes reviewing and planning out the next day so you can spend your evening sparking joy and being present.
Your efforts to spark change are a practice, day in and day out.
If you feel that you are lacking focus, struggling to set priorities or simple lost in that 90% vortex, I have a life-changing workshop on March 4th, Rock Your Clock.
As a productivity and accountability expert, this workshop will be a life changing hour to show you how to get more done in less time, make more money and have way more fun.
Keep going; keep growing.
Your Coach,