One thing I wish I had done more of in the early years of entrepreurship, is networking. I struggled with getting out to events on a regular basis for years, even though I knew what a powerful tool it was. There are so many benefits that come from networking, like community support, increased brand visibility, the inspiration that comes from seeing others making it happen and of course, the magical power of word of mouth referrals cannot be underestimated. Yet, it remains quite intimidating.
For this months blog post, I have something new and fun to share with you. Wardrobe consultant and personal stylist, Tamara Mainardi has generously added her expert advice to each of the networking ninja tips I have included in this blog post.
Tamara writes,
“Going into a networking event with a game plan is key. You want to make the most of the event, but also present your best self. You never know who you’re going to meet and if you look and feel good it leaves endless possibilities.”
I agree. I really appreciate how Tamara shows people how to style in their own closet with a focus on sustainability in addition to looking and feeling your best. Learn more about how Tamara helps people to live their best life
It is important to know what you want to accomplish when going to an event. Personally, I go in with an intention to make 1 or 2 meaningful connections. What are your intentions?
These networking tips are especially great for you if you:
~ are new to networking
~ generally talk yourself out of it to stay home with your cat and Netflix
~ need to grow your business locally
~ have recently moved and you are new to an area
Six ninja tips to turn your networking efforts into
long lasting business relationships
Networking Ninja Tip #1 – Respect the balance of having two ears + one mouth
I attend a bi-monthly networking events where they make the attendees list available to the participants. Three different times, I have been emailed by someone who I DID NOT meet with a messages that sounded something like,
“Hi Lisa, It was great meeting you at ‘the event’ yesterday. I know my business could really help you grow yours.”
Followed by multiple paragraphs barfing about their business and why they are the best. They did not express any interest in mine. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Would you hire this person?
Would you even reply to this person?
Nope and nope, and neither did I. What a wasted opportunity!
How about this instead,
“Hi Lisa. I was going through the list of business cards from the meeting and realized we didn’t get a chance to talk. I took a look at your website and had a few ideas about how we can support one another’s business. Would you like to grab a tea sometime to chat and explore possibilities?”
Would you reply to that email? I sure would!
People like doing business with people they like. If you haven’t taken the time to build trust and credibility in your networking efforts, you aren’t in a position to make a sale.
Two Ears + One Mouth Etiquette 101
~ Listen more than you are speaking.
~ Be interested, not interesting.
~ Ask genuine questions with genuine follow-up questions like: How did you get started? What do you enjoy most about your business? What are the current trends in your industry?
~ Ask for their business card (more on this in Tip #3) & let them ask for yours.
After 30 years of interviewing 1000’s of people from all walks of life, Oprah says that all of us simply want to be seen, feel heard and to know that we matter. Networking is about building trust and relationships; don’t be a Larry Loud Mouth. People remember the way you made them feel, not what you said.
Tamara’s Style Tip #1
Pick out an outfit a few days before the event. Making sure that your clothing fits & you feel your most confident.
Networking Ninja Tip #2 – Be a connector
Once you have listened and learned you are ready to be of service. Think of your personal & professional network and who this person will benefit from meeting.
For example, I send numerous email introductions out every single week. My coaching clients are going through an intense period of change and need things like business insurance, financial advice, new brands, web sites, SEO service, cyber security, wills … the list goes on.
I love connecting people and my integrity is on the line every time I pass on a referral. Meeting new, talented experts in their field helps me serve my clients better and it can help you too.
I am a proud BNI member and have been since February 2018.
BNI has changed my life. I believe in the law of attraction, which is mirrored by their Giver’s Gain philosophy. We have a supportive community and help one another out.
If you aren’t familiar with BNI and you are looking to grow your business, find a chapter near you. If you live in the Vancouver, BC area, let me know and I would be happy to invite you as a visitor to my chapter. Helping people out and being generous comes back to you. As you give, you shall receive.
Tamara’s Style Tip #2
Wear something that is eye catching, example: bold prints, patterns or colours, fun shoes or a great pair of chandelier earrings. If you’re not one to be a conversation starter, wearing pieces that help to break the ice so that people will start to talk to you!
I agree!! I often pay someone a compliment on their accessories to break the ice.
Networking Ninja Tip #3 – Follow up
Now that you have made a meaningful connection, ask them what their favorite mode of communication is then follow-up on it within 24 hours. Connect on LinkedIn whenever possible.
Tamara’s Style Tip #3
Don’t forget to have fun with picking out your outfit! You want to be sure to select an outfit that best represents you, your brand and your personality.
According to Heidi Grant Halverson, a professer at Columbia University,
“Deciding in advance when and where you will take specific actions to reach your goal, can double or triple your chances for success.”
Make a plan to network and book it into your calendar. Writing things down makes it real and we already learned that planning ahead doubles and even triples our change of success. You can find loads of events on MeetUp.com or Facebook.
In conclusion, networking is a sure-fire way to plant seeds and cultivate new business relationships. As an ambivert, I understand how frightening it can be. Being an entrepreneur is living in a perpetual state of leaping beyond your comfort zone. You’ve totally got this!
Onwards + upwards,
your Coach, Lisa 👊🌻
your Stylist, Tamara 👜🙋♀️