I’m Lisa van Reeuwyk.
I will show you how to run a business that doesn’t run you.
Hi! I’m
Lisa van Reeuwyk.
I will show you how to run a business that doesn’t run you.
I‘m known for dropping a quote in almost any situation and my for my lifelong mind, body & soul connection with yoga since taking my first class when I was 18 years old living in New York City.

About my process
Success means something different to everyone.
What does success mean to you? With so many conditioned versions of success, one of the most rewarding parts of my work as a business coach is to watch clients achieve clarity on what success actuals means for them and then to co-create that into their life and business empire (we all have an empire btw.)
Just like a jigsaw puzzle, when you start locking a few key pieces into place, the waves of progress start flowing like a raging river…and that is when the real fun begins.
I define profitability as filling up the bank and your tank.
Working evenings and weekends, wearing too many hats and losing that connection to why you started your business in the first place is not the way to success. I’ve seen it dozens of times, when you start prioritizing the things that light you up and make you feel like YOU, your business will elevate in delightful and surprising ways.
A bit about me
My unique blend of sweet and savoury experience with roots in broadcast television enables me to support business development in key areas while mapping out the key performance indicators (KPI’s) for success.
Entrepreneurs hire me so they can effectively make an explosive impact with their brand, build an authentic community while increasing revenues and profitability. Good people do good things with their money and our world needs more successful and influential change makers like you, leading the way for a more inclusive and harmonious business culture.
Ambition is not a dirty word. It’s believing in yourself and your abilities. What would happen if we were all brave enough to be a little bit more ambitious? I think the world would change.
~ Reese Witherspoon
I used to say I was an accidental entrepreneur
In the spirit of being vulnerable, here are a few random facts about me and my life.

I believe we get as we give.
I mentor with the Forum for Women’s Enterprise (FWE), led Mindset Workshops for Dress for Success and donated Personal & Professional Transformation Coaching packages, fundraising for Ruben’s Shoes through both my exclusive client only networking night and in the community and the Women in Business Committee with the Tri-Cities Cities Chamber of Commerce.
Rather than telling you about my coaching practice, I will leave that to a few of my cherished clients, who have graciously shared their personal stories of investing in coaching or workshops over on my testimonials page.
Why do I do this work?
Witnessing the spark of confidence ignite like a fire storm is THE BEST. Once you see your own magnificence, it can never be unseen.